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dysprosium a rare-earth metal chemical element of the lanthanide series that has sixty-sixprotons in each nucleus. (symbol: Dy)
erbium a rare-earth metal chemical element of the lanthanide series that has sixty-eight protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Er)
europium a highly reactive chemical element of the rare-earth group that has sixty-three protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Eu)
fling a short period of unrestrained pleasure-seeking or revelry; spree. [1/8 definitions]
flint a piece of this stone, esp. as used in guns or fire-starting. [1/3 definitions]
foam a thick, long-lasting froth produced by chemical means, such as shaving cream or certain fire-extinguishing agents. [1/6 definitions]
foresail the principal sail hung on the forward mast or stay, such as the lowermost square sail on a square-rigged ship, or the jib on a cutter.
fore-topgallant of, pertaining to, or denoting the mast, sail, yard, or the like directly above the fore-topmast.
fore-topsail a sail hung from the fore-topmast, above the topsail.
fox to make or repair (a shoe) by applying leather or other material to form or re-cover the upper front. [1/7 definitions]
friction tape a sturdy cloth or plastic adhesive tape that is moisture-resistant and is used esp. to insulate electrical wires.
from scratch in baking or cooking, combining basic individual ingredients and using traditional methods, as opposed to using store-bought prepared ingredients which allow for reducing steps in the baking or cooking process. [1/2 definitions]
gadolinium a metal chemical element of the rare-earth group that has sixty-four protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Gd)
glockenspiel a percussion instrument composed of a set of graduated metal bars, mounted in a lyre-shaped frame, that are struck with hammers.
hedonism the ethical doctrine that pleasure-seeking should be the primary goal of humans. [1/2 definitions]
hedonist one who believes that pleasure-seeking should be the primary goal of humans.
holmium a chemical element of the rare-earth group that contains sixty-seven protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Ho)
horsetail any of various nonflowering, spore-producing plants that have hollow jointed stems with narrow sheathlike leaves.
humectant of or related to a humectant or humectants; moisture-retaining. [1/2 definitions]
incubator a temperature-controlled apparatus in which ideal conditions are maintained for the recovery of sick or premature infants. [1/3 definitions]
jew's-harp a small, metal, lyre-shaped musical instrument that is held between the teeth and played by plucking the protruding end of its flexible steel tongue.