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Dictionary Suite
indistinguishable not readily perceived; imperceptible. [1/2 definitions]
invisible not readily perceived; hardly noticeable; inconspicuous. [1/5 definitions]
keen1 extremely sharp; able to cut readily and finely. [1/4 definitions]
lachrymose weeping, tending to weep readily, or being on the point of tears; tearful. [1/2 definitions]
methyl acetate a clear liquid substance that readily evaporates, used esp. as a solvent and paint remover.
mobile changing rapidly or readily from one state, mood, expression, or the like, to another. [1/6 definitions]
on hand readily available.
on tap readily available for use or service; on hand. [1/2 definitions]
phosphorous acid a white or yellowish crystalline acid that readily absorbs oxygen and is used as a chemical reducing agent and to produce phosphite salts.
phrase a string of words embodying a unique unit of meaning that cannot be understood, or readily understood, by considering the meaning of each word on its own; idiom. [1/11 definitions]
quotable capable of being quoted or readily quoted. [1/2 definitions]
sensation a generalized feeling with no readily identifiable cause. [1/5 definitions]
superficial interested only in what is trivial or readily apparent. [1/5 definitions]
susceptible readily accepting or permitting a particular action or treatment (usu. fol. by "to" or "of"). [1/4 definitions]
tenacious holding firmly together; not readily separated; cohesive. [1/4 definitions]
unruly not submitting readily to rule or restriction; difficult or impossible to control; wild.
unstable of chemical compounds, readily decomposing or reacting. [1/5 definitions]
walkie-talkie a small, battery-powered radio set that transmits and receives, readily carried by one person.
zeolite any of a group of naturally hydrated aluminum silicates that readily gain or lose water of hydration. [1/2 definitions]