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Dictionary Suite
perusal the act or an instance of reading. [1/2 definitions]
phonics (used with a sing. verb) a method of teaching spelling, pronunciation, and reading that uses a phonetic rendering of the standard spelling system. [1/2 definitions]
play by ear to play (a piece of music) just from the memory of the sound of it and not from reading the musical notation. [1/2 definitions]
primer1 a book that teaches basic principles, esp. a children's textbook that teaches reading.
read1 to accomplish by reading. [2/16 definitions]
reader a textbook used in teaching writing or reading. [1/5 definitions]
reading used for reading. [1/8 definitions]
reading room a room, esp. designated for reading or quiet study as in a library.
rereading combined form of reading.
roll call the reading aloud of a list of names of those expected to be present, such as students in a classroom, soldiers in a unit, or members at a meeting. [2 definitions]
saccade a rapid, involuntary eye movement, as during reading. [1/2 definitions]
solfeggio in music, the use of the sol-fa syllables in singing exercises, sight-reading, or the like; solmization. [1/2 definitions]
spell out to puzzle out by, or as if by, reading one letter at a time. [1/2 definitions]
study a room set aside for reading and studying. [1/12 definitions]
three R's reading, writing, and arithmetic, considered as the fundamentals of education.
unlettered not versed in reading and writing; illiterate. [1/3 definitions]
unread not knowledgeable because of not having done much reading; uneducated; ignorant. [1/2 definitions]