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boot (chiefly British) a large compartment in an automobile, usu. in the rear, for storing items such as luggage, parcels, and tools; trunk. [1/10 definitions]
bootstrap a loop attached to the rear or to each side of a boot top, by which the boot is pulled on. [1/5 definitions]
booty2 (slang) buttocks; rear end. [1/2 definitions]
breechloader a gun that is loaded at the rear of the barrel. (Cf. muzzleloader.)
breed to bring up or educate; rear. [1/9 definitions]
bustle2 a cushion or wire frame formerly worn beneath a dress to add fullness in the rear. [2 definitions]
caboose a car at the rear of a freight train, used by the crew as a place for eating and sleeping.
cantle the rear supporting part of a saddle, usu. curved upward. [1/2 definitions]
captain a commissioned officer of the U.S. Navy holding the rank immediately below rear admiral. [1/8 definitions]
cobra any of several venomous snakes of Asia and Africa that rear up and flatten the skin of the neck when threatened. [1/2 definitions]
commodore in the U.S. Navy until 1899 and again during World War II, a commissioned naval officer ranked below a rear admiral and above a captain. [1/2 definitions]
curvet an advanced dressage figure in which a horse must rear and then spring forward onto its forelegs with the hind legs fully outstretched. [1/2 definitions]
differential gear an arrangement of gears on the rear axle of an automobile that allows one wheel to turn faster than another during turns.
directional signal any of the lights on a motor vehicle that flash to indicate that the vehicle is about to turn and to show the direction in which it will turn. Directional signals are located on both the front and rear of the vehicle and are activated by the driver; turn signal.
distome any of various parasitic flatworms that have two suckers, one at the front and the other at the rear of the underside.
drive shaft a rotating shaft that transmits torque, as in some automobiles from the transmission to the rear axle.
dune buggy a lightweight car, usu. without doors or windows, that has a rear-engine chassis and oversized tires that make driving over sand dunes easier.
earwig a nocturnal insect having a pincerslike structure at the rear of the abdomen. [1/2 definitions]
fastback on an automobile, a sloping back curving from the top to the rear bumper in an unbroken convex line, or an automobile that has such a back.
fauces (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the cavity at the rear of the mouth that leads to the pharynx.
feather something resembling a bird's plumage, such as the silky hair on the rear side of some dogs' legs or the vane of an arrow, or something shaped like a feather. [1/12 definitions]