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bloodshot (of eyes) showing dilated blood vessels; red and irritated.
bloodstone a semiprecious green or greenish quartz flecked with red jasper; heliotrope.
blood test any test of the blood, as to determine type, red or white blood count, or the presence of antibodies or bacteria.
blush to become red in the face as an involuntary expression of shame, confusion, or other self-conscious discomfort. [4/7 definitions]
blush wine any of certain dry, slightly pink wines made from red-wine grapes.
bougainvillea any of several woody vines of the American tropics that have small inconspicuous flowers surrounded by bright red, orange, or purple bracts.
bouvardia any of several tropical American plants cultivated for their showy red or white flowers.
brick red the color of dried bricks; brownish red.
brown the color of soil or coffee; a mixture of red and yellow made darker with black. [1/6 definitions]
brown trout a brownish trout with red-spotted sides, native to Europe and widely naturalized in U.S. streams.
Burgundy (usu. l.c.) any of several red or white wines made in this area, or any of various red wines made elsewhere. [2/3 definitions]
cabernet a type of dry, full-bodied red wine made in California.
campion any of various wild plants that bear pink, red, or white flowers.
candytuft any of several annual plants that bear tufted flowers of white, red, or purple.
capsicum any of numerous pepper plants related to nightshade that bear fleshy green, yellow, or red edible pods in many varieties from mild to hot. [1/2 definitions]
cardinal a North American crested grosbeak, of which the male has bright red plumage and a black face and throat. [1/4 definitions]
carmagnole the costume worn by the revolutionaries, consisting of a short loose jacket with wide lapels, black pants, a red cap, and a tricolored girdle, or the jacket alone. [1/2 definitions]
carnation any of various flowers related to the pink, with fragrant, fringed flowers of various colors, esp. red, white, and pink.
carnelian a hard red or reddish brown semiprecious gemstone.
carotenoid any of several yellow to deep red pigments, like and including carotene, that is found in many vegetables and animal fats and is required in human nutrition. [1/3 definitions]
Catawba a light red grape cultivated in the eastern United States, or the dry white wine made from it. [1/3 definitions]