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contour of plowing, following the contour lines of the land, to reduce soil erosion. [1/7 definitions]
cool to reduce in temperature; make less warm. [1/15 definitions]
crush to reduce forcefully to small pieces, as by pounding or grinding; pulverize. [1/11 definitions]
cull to reduce the size of (a group of animals) by killing. [1/5 definitions]
cut back to reduce (a plant) in size by cutting off parts. [2 definitions]
cut down to reduce (something) in length of time. [1/4 definitions]
damp to reduce or put out (a fire) by cutting off air flow. [1/8 definitions]
debase to reduce in value, quality, esteem, or character.
decompress to reduce pressure or compression on. [1/3 definitions]
de-emphasize to place less emphasis on; reduce the importance of.
deflate to reduce the value of (currency) or lower the level of (prices). [1/4 definitions]
defuse to reduce the level of hostility, tension, danger, or the like in (a situation or the like). [1/2 definitions]
degrade to reduce in value, amount, or intensity. [1/8 definitions]
dehumidify to reduce the level of atmospheric moisture in.
die away of a sound, to reduce in volume gradually.
dilute to reduce the strength, power, or efficiency of, esp. by adding something else. [1/4 definitions]
disarm of a nation, to reduce the size of the military forces or arsenal. [1/4 definitions]
discount to reduce the price on goods or services for sale. [2/12 definitions]
disintegrate to break down or reduce to component parts; destroy. [1/3 definitions]
downgrade to reduce in rank, position, status, salary, or the like. [2/5 definitions]
downsize to reduce the size of (a company) by cutting down on the number of employees. [2/3 definitions]