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downsize to reduce the size of (a company) by cutting down on the number of employees. [2/3 definitions]
ethyl a fluid containing tetraethyl lead and other substances, used in gasoline to reduce engine knock. [1/3 definitions]
evaporate to draw moisture from, so as to condense or reduce to a dry, solid state. [1/5 definitions]
extenuate to reduce the magnitude or seriousness of (a fault or offense) by offering partial excuses.
factory farming a strictly controlled system of livestock farming in which animals are confined indoors under high density conditions to reduce costs and increase output.
fairing a structure on the external surface of an aircraft or other vehicle that serves to streamline the chassis and thus reduce drag.
fine1 to reduce or refine. [1/11 definitions]
formularize to express in a systematic or formulaic manner; reduce to a formula.
formulize to reduce to a formula; express in a formula; formulate.
friable easy to crumble, break, or reduce to powder; crumbly, as certain rocks.
gobo a dark screen used to reduce the amount of light that reaches a motion picture or television camera lens. [1/2 definitions]
grate2 to rub or scrape against an abradant surface in order to reduce to a powder or shreds. [1/5 definitions]
grater a kitchen device with a jagged surface that allows one to reduce food substances to shreds.
grind to crush or reduce something to small particles. [1/12 definitions]
halve to reduce by half. [1/4 definitions]
humble to reduce the status or situation of. [1/6 definitions]
kern in composing type, to reduce the space between (certain characters). [1/2 definitions]
lighten2 to reduce the weight of. [1/6 definitions]
liquefy to reduce to or become liquid.
lower1 to reduce. [1/9 definitions]
methodize to reduce to a systematic and orderly way or arrangement. [1/2 definitions]