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reduction in chemistry, a process that adds electrons to an element, compound, or ion, resulting in a reduction in charge. [1/5 definitions]
saving a reduction in price or cost. [1/8 definitions]
sedation the reduction of emotional or physical excitation or disturbance, esp. by the administering of a drug. [2 definitions]
shrink an act or instance of contraction or reduction in size. [2/7 definitions]
slash a sharp reduction or curtailment, as in prices. [1/9 definitions]
slowdown a reduction in speed or production, esp. by workers as a form of protest.
slump a sudden sinking or reduction, as in health, productivity, business activity, or interest. [1/6 definitions]
write-down in finance, a reduction in the book value of an inventory item or other asset because of depreciation or a decrease in market price.
write-off a reduction in the book value of an item or asset; depreciation. [1/2 definitions]