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anyway in any case; anyhow; regardless; nevertheless.
at all costs regardless of the effort or sacrifice necessary.
civil rights in the United States, certain rights and liberties, as to vote, own property, and be treated equally regardless of race, religion, or sex, that are guaranteed by amendments to the Constitution and certain Congressional Acts, esp. as applied to an individual or a minority group. [1/2 definitions]
color-blind having no racial prejudices; treating others alike, regardless of their skin color. [1/2 definitions]
conservation of energy a principle of physics that asserts that the total energy in a closed system remains constant regardless of changes in the system.
conservation of matter a principle of physics that asserts that the total matter in a closed system remains constant, regardless of changes in the system.
courage the quality of will that enables a person to confront fear or danger regardless of the consequences; bravery.
despite in spite of; regardless of.
doctrinaire dogmatically adhering to a doctrine or theory, regardless of its practicality. [2 definitions]
get one's way to manage to obtain one's particular wish or preference, regardless of the wishes or objections of others.
get (something) one's way to manage to have (something) the way that one wants or prefers, regardless of the desires or objections of others.
go along with to do what others want or plan to do regardless of whether one agrees or not. [1/3 definitions]
in any event regardless of the circumstances; in any case.
inevitable unavoidable, regardless of the circumstances; certain to occur. [1/2 definitions]
inevitably unavoidably, regardless of any circumstances or attempts at prevention. [1/2 definitions]
inherent legally belonging to something regardless of external circumstances or the passage of time. [1/2 definitions]
in spite of regardless of; notwithstanding.
integrate to remove cultural and racial restrictions from; implement use of or membership in by all types of people regardless of race or color. [1/5 definitions]
irrespective of without consideration for; regardless of.
manhood suffrage within a nation, the right of all adult men to vote regardless of their status. In the United States in the nineteenth century, the movement within individual states toward manhood suffrage sought to guarantee that poor and propertyless white men would not be denied the vote. This movement succeeded in its particular aims but did nothing to ensure the right to vote for non-whites. Although the Fifteenth Amendment was passed after the Civil War to prevent states from denying the right to vote to anyone based on race, manhood suffrage continued to be denied to non-white adult males in many states.
match play a type of golf competition in which each side scores a point for each hole won, regardless of the total number of strokes. (Cf. medal play.)