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out of time having no time remaining.
outstanding remaining to be settled or resolved. [1/3 definitions]
overnight lasting or remaining one night. [1/6 definitions]
remnant a remaining trace of something; vestige. [2/4 definitions]
residual remaining behind as a residue; left over. [1/3 definitions]
scoria the refuse remaining after metal has been smelted from ore; slag. [1/2 definitions]
serum the thin, watery fluid remaining when the solid components of blood have clotted. [1/3 definitions]
sign a remaining indication; trace. [1/11 definitions]
slash the debris remaining after the cutting of an area of forest. [1/9 definitions]
slide to move easily over a surface while remaining in contact with it. [1/14 definitions]
storable capable of remaining fresh or useful during long periods in storage. [1/2 definitions]
stump a part remaining after the rest has been broken, cut off, or consumed; stub. [1/10 definitions]
sulk to express resentment or bad humor by remaining sullenly silent or aloof. [1/3 definitions]
transient remaining in one place for only a short time. [1/4 definitions]
unchanging remaining ever the same; unvarying.
vestige a rudimentary or non-functional part or organ remaining from an earlier stage of development in an individual or species, such as the human appendix. [1/2 definitions]
whey the watery part of milk remaining when the curds are separated out, as to make cheese.