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hydrogen ion the positive ion of a hydrogen atom whose electron has been removed, as in acids.
inalienable rights fundamental rights that cannot be removed, surrendered, or transferred to another person. The Declaration of Independence identifies "life, liberty, and the pursuit of independence" as inalienable rights.
indelible incapable of being removed or obliterated; permanent. [1/2 definitions]
ivory tower a position that is removed from practical concerns, or an attitude of withdrawal or aloofness.
keep one's distance to stay physically or emotionally removed; remain aloof or far away.
keratectomy a surgical operation in which all or part of the cornea is removed.
laryngectomy an operation in which all or part of the larynx is removed.
leather the tanned or preserved skin of an animal, usu. with the hair or fur removed. [1/5 definitions]
loose-leaf of a notebook or binder, made to hold individual sheets of paper that can be removed.
lysimeter a device that measures the drainage of water through soils and thus determines the solubility of those substances that have been removed.
mellow rich and with the harshness removed, as by aging. [1/6 definitions]
nearby situated close at hand; not far removed. [1/2 definitions]
nonfat having all or most of the fat solids removed.
omission something left out, removed, not done, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
organ donor one who agrees to have a bodily organ or organs removed, either before or after death, to be used in organ transplant or for medical research.
out in baseball, removed from immediate play. [1/29 definitions]
photochromic designating a transparent material such as specially treated glass or film that turns dark when exposed to light and returns to normal when the light is removed.
pillowcase a usu. cloth cover for a pillow that can be removed for cleaning.
pitted1 having had the stones or pits removed, as from olives or cherries.
privacy the condition of being removed from the view or presence of other people. [1/3 definitions]
recall a mechanism by which government officials can be removed from office by the voters. [1/6 definitions]