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note a single musical tone of a particular length, or a written symbol used to represent such a tone. [1/11 definitions]
numeral one or more symbols or marks used to express or represent a number. [1/3 definitions]
paint to represent in patterns of color, as on a canvas or wall. [1/10 definitions]
parallel any of the imaginary lines on the earth's surface that represent degrees of latitude from north to south. [1/9 definitions]
personify to represent (a quality or other abstraction) in a human figure or a particular person. [1/3 definitions]
Piltdown man a skull, found in 1911, believed to represent a species of prehistoric human but shown in 1953 to be a forged composite of modern human and ape bone fragments.
political primary in U.S. politics, a preliminary election in which members of each party vote for candidates to represent the party in the general election.
populist a person, esp. a political leader, who represents, or claims to represent, the interests and concerns of the common people rather than the privileged, the politically powerful, or the intelligentsia. [1/5 definitions]
portray to represent in a dramatic presentation. [1/2 definitions]
pose1 to pretend to be, or represent oneself as, what one is not. [1/7 definitions]
pretend to claim or represent falsely or insincerely in order to deceive. [1/7 definitions]
primary in U.S. politics, a preliminary election in which members of each party vote for candidates to represent the party in the general election. [1/7 definitions]
render to represent or interpret, as in a work of art; depict. [1/7 definitions]
representable combined form of represent.
representative serving to represent. [1/10 definitions]
satyr (sometimes cap.) in Greek mythology, any of a group of minor gods who represent the spirits of the forests and the mountains, depicted as men with pointed ears and short horns; faun. [1/3 definitions]
scenery theatrical props or backdrops that represent a location. [1/2 definitions]
sex symbol a notable person, often in films, television, or the like, who is considered to represent sexual desirability.
shop steward a unionized worker elected by other union members, usu. in a particular shop or department, to represent them in dealing with management.
singlemember election an election in which people vote for a candidate to represent their particular legislative district within a larger representative body made up of members selected by voters of various districts. National and state legislators in the United States are elected through single-member elections.
solmization the act, process, or system of using syllables to represent the different notes of the musical scale, often as a teaching aid.