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eagle an image or representation of an eagle, used as a symbol, insignia, or emblem. [1/3 definitions]
emblem an object or its representation, functioning as a symbol. [1/3 definitions]
Eros a representation of a winged infant as a symbol of love. [1/4 definitions]
false used temporarily as a substitute, supplement, or representation in construction. [1/7 definitions]
falsify to make a false representation of; misrepresent. [1/3 definitions]
festoon a representation of such a chain, as in sculpture or pottery. [1/4 definitions]
figure a crafted representation, such as a sculpture of a human, animal, or other form. [1/16 definitions]
foliage a decorative representation, as in sculpture, of leaves and branches. [1/3 definitions]
for on behalf of; in representation of. [1/13 definitions]
garland a sculpted or cast representation of such a decoration. [1/3 definitions]
god a physical image or representation of a supernatural being; idol. [1/6 definitions]
graph in mathematics, a representation of a number or group of numbers as a point or points on a line or plane. [1/5 definitions]
-graphy writing or representation produced in (such) a way or by (such) means. [2 definitions]
guns and butter a symbolic representation of government spending for military or civilian needs.
hammer and sickle a representation of these implements, crossed, used as a symbol of the Communist party, the hammer representing workers and the sickle representing peasants.
homolosine projection a map of the earth's surface, characterized by accurate representation of the continents that results in some distortion of the oceans.
icon an image, representation, or symbol. [2/4 definitions]
iconography the representation of meanings, esp. conventional ones, by visual symbols or images. [2/3 definitions]
idealization a depiction or representation of something in a perfect or more perfect form, as opposed to the way it is in reality. [1/2 definitions]
illustrate to explain or clarify by giving examples or presenting a visual representation. [1/3 definitions]
image a visual representation of something such as can be seen in a photograph, sculpture, or painting. [1/10 definitions]