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crowfoot any of various, mostly yellow-flowered plants, esp. with divided leaves that resemble a crow's foot. [1/2 definitions]
culottes women's pants made short and with wide legs so as to resemble a skirt.
deadly so as to resemble death. [1/6 definitions]
doghouse a dog shelter, usu. built to resemble a house.
dormouse any of various small European rodents that have furry tails and resemble squirrels in habits and appearance.
Dutch metal an alloy of copper and zinc, thin sheets of which resemble gold leaf.
ebonize to blacken, usu. with a stain or paint, so as to cause to resemble ebony.
eelpout any of various bony fishes that resemble eels, having a long thin body and a large head. [1/2 definitions]
elk a light, pliable leather made from the hide of horses, cows, or calves, and tanned and treated to resemble elk hide. [1/3 definitions]
eye any of various things that resemble an eye. [1/9 definitions]
favor to resemble, esp. in facial features. [1/11 definitions]
Franklin stove a cast-iron stove that is enclosed at the top, bottom, and sides but that can be opened in front to resemble a hearth.
freeze frame a technique in which a single frame of film is repeated a number of times to create the illusion that the action has been stopped or frozen, as to resemble a still photograph.
gland any of various organs or structures, such as lymph nodes, that resemble glands but do not produce secretions. [1/2 definitions]
glass wool fibers of spun glass that resemble wool and are used in insulation and air filters.
great ape any of the family of apes that most closely resemble man in anatomy, such as the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan.
hare any of various plant-eating mammals that resemble and are related to the rabbit, but that usu. are larger and have longer ears and hind legs.
hemp nettle any of several plants native to Europe and Asia that resemble hemp and have stiff hairs like those of the nettle.
holm oak an oak native to southern Europe with prickly evergreen leaves that resemble holly.
imitate to follow the manner or pattern of; attempt to resemble; mimic. [1/2 definitions]
imitation meant to resemble something natural or original. [1/4 definitions]