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imitation meant to resemble something natural or original. [1/4 definitions]
jacksnipe any of several birds that resemble the jacksnipe. [1/2 definitions]
labiate having lips or parts that resemble or function like lips; lipped. [2/4 definitions]
larch any of several trees that bear cones and resemble evergreens but shed their needles in fall; tamarack. [1/2 definitions]
ling1 any of various edible marine fishes that resemble the cod.
look like to have a similar appearance to (someone or something); resemble. [1/2 definitions]
mackerel sky a sky mottled with rows or strings of small cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds that resemble the markings of a mackerel.
magpie any of various birds, such as certain crows, that resemble the magpie. [1/3 definitions]
manatee any of several docile plant-eating animals that resemble the seal and are found in shallow tropical waters of the Atlantic; sea cow.
mayfly a angler's lure made to resemble the adult form of this insect. [1/2 definitions]
maze a drawing or small model made to resemble a network of confusing pathways, such as may be used as a game or toy. [1/4 definitions]
midge any of various extremely small biting flies that resemble the gnat. [1/2 definitions]
mimic to resemble closely. [1/8 definitions]
mock chicken pork, veal, or other meat that has been minced, molded, breaded, and braised to resemble a cooked chicken leg; city chicken.
mock orange any of various shrubs bearing fragrant white flowers that resemble those of the orange.
mouton sheepskin or lambskin processed to resemble more expensive beaver or seal furs, usu. used for coats.
mummify to cause to resemble a mummy by drying or embalming. [2/3 definitions]
paper characterized by thinness or flimsiness so as to resemble paper. [1/12 definitions]
papillon any of a breed of toy spaniels having a long, silky coat and large erect ears that resemble butterfly wings.
pearl to form into beads that resemble pearls. [1/8 definitions]
phycomycete any of several fungi that resemble algae, such as certain molds and mildews.