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cui bono the legal principle that the responsibility for a certain act is likely to lie with one who had something to gain as a result of that act. [1/2 definitions]
department (informal) an area of responsibility or control. [1/2 definitions]
depositary a person or firm that is given responsibility for something; trustee. [1/2 definitions]
depute to delegate (authority or responsibility) to another or others. [1/2 definitions]
devoir responsibility; obligation; duty. [1/2 definitions]
disavow to deny any knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with; disclaim. [1/3 definitions]
discharge to perform (a duty) or carry out (an obligation or responsibility). [1/17 definitions]
disclaim to deny (as any knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with). [1/4 definitions]
disclaimer a person who denies or renounces a claim or a responsibility. [1/3 definitions]
disengage to release from engagement, connection, or responsibility. [2/4 definitions]
disengagement freedom from responsibility. [1/2 definitions]
end share or area of responsibility. [1/18 definitions]
entrust to assign or hand over something or some task to (a person, group, or the like) as a responsibility. [1/2 definitions]
existentialism a philosophy that emphasizes alienation and anxiety caused by the isolated and unexplainable nature of an individual's experience within an indifferent world, and stresses absolute freedom of choice associated with bearing responsibility for one's acts.
face the music (informal) to assume responsibility for one's actions; face the consequences.
fault responsibility for a mistake or error. [1/7 definitions]
go1 to take responsibility for. [1/28 definitions]
godchild a child whom a godparent promises at baptism to assume partial responsibility for, esp. in overseeing his or her religious education.
godparent an adult who promises at baptism to assume partial responsibility for a child, esp. to oversee his or her religious education.
goof-off (informal) someone who habitually wastes time or avoids responsibility; shirker.
guarantee to bear the responsibility for ensuring (the fulfillment of something desired or required by others). [2/11 definitions]