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stamp characterize or reveal (someone) as being a particular type of thing. [1/15 definitions]
tattle to reveal secrets of or disclose information about another person, usu. out of malice; inform against another. [2/3 definitions]
tattletale a person who informs against or reveal secrets of another, esp. among children; telltale.
telegraph (informal) to unintentionally reveal or indicate (one's plans or future moves). [1/4 definitions]
tell to inform or reveal to (someone) through speaking or writing. [2/9 definitions]
tell on to reveal the bad behavior of (someone) to a person in authority. [1/2 definitions]
truth serum a drug that makes a subject talkative or open to suggestion and perhaps likely to reveal consciously or unconsciously withheld information, used by police or military interrogators and some psychotherapists.
uncloak to expose, unmask, or reveal. [1/2 definitions]
uncover to expose or disclose; reveal. [1/3 definitions]
unearth to uncover or reveal, as by searching. [1/2 definitions]
unfold to reveal, develop, or make known or clear, esp. by explanation, narration, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
unmask to reveal the true identity or nature of by, or as by, removing a mask; expose. [2/3 definitions]
unroll to display or disclose; unfold; reveal. [1/3 definitions]