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orbit one complete revolution along such a path. [1/7 definitions]
prerevolution combined form of revolution.
quarter one fourth of the moon's revolution around the earth. [1/15 definitions]
redcoat a British soldier in colonial America, esp. during the American Revolution.
Reign of Terror the period of the French Revolution from 1793 to 1794 during which many persons, esp. members of the aristocracy, were executed.
rev (informal) one revolution of an engine, shaft, or the like, or the sound made by this revolution. [1/5 definitions]
rev.2 abbreviation of "revolution."
revolutionary of, relating to, or marked by a desire for revolution. [2/3 definitions]
Revolutionary War the war of 1775-83 in which the American colonies won their independence from Great Britain; American Revolution.
revolutionist one who participates in or supports a revolution.
revolutionize to subject to political or social revolution. [1/2 definitions]
rotation one cycle of circular movement around an axis; revolution. [1/5 definitions]
royalist one who supports a monarchical form of government, as during a rebellion or revolution.
sans-culotte a member of the poorly dressed revolutionary army in the French Revolution. [1/2 definitions]
sidereal month the time required for one complete revolution of the moon around the earth with respect to a fixed star, or about 27.3 days in mean solar time.
sidereal time time based upon the rotation and revolution of the earth with reference to the background of stars.
sidereal year a unit of time equal to the time required for one revolution of the earth around the sun; 365 days, six hours, nine minutes, and 9.54 seconds.
sol2 a coin and monetary unit of France prior to the French Revolution, worth one-twentieth of a livre or twelve deniers.
somersault an acrobatic movement in which the body, in a tucked position, performs a full revolution either forward or backward. [1/2 definitions]
Tory during the American Revolution, an American who favored the continuation of colonial rule by the British or who favored the establishment of a monarchy. [1/4 definitions]
tumbrel a crude cart used during the French Revolution to transport condemned prisoners to the guillotine. [1/2 definitions]