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Dictionary Suite
spheroid a flattened sphere created by revolving an ellipse about one of its axes.
stroboscope any device used to study, measure, balance, or otherwise alter the motion of a moving, rotating, or vibrating body by making it appear to slow down or stop with the use of pulsed bursts of light or by viewing it through intermittent openings in a revolving disk.
surveyor's level an instrument for measuring elevation, consisting of a tripod on which are mounted a horizontally revolving telescope and a spirit level.
tumble to toss about in a revolving drum, as clothes in a drier. [1/16 definitions]
tumbler a revolving drum in which objects are placed to be dried, polished, cleaned, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
turn to feel as if twirling or revolving as the result of giddiness or dizziness. [1/32 definitions]
Wankel engine an internal combustion engine that features a triangular rotor revolving in a chamber, and that requires fewer moving parts and is lighter and less efficient than a piston-driven engine.
winch a mechanical device, powered by motor or hand, that pulls or lifts objects by a rope or cable wound around its revolving drum. [1/3 definitions]
windlass a machine, powered by motor or hand, that pulls or lifts by a cable or rope wound around its horizontal, revolving axle or drum; winch. [1/2 definitions]