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payment due reward or punishment. [1/3 definitions]
payoff a reward or punishment, or the act of giving or receiving it. [1/3 definitions]
pay off to bring good results or reward. [1/3 definitions]
poetic justice an outcome in real life or fiction in which someone receives a reward or punishment that is peculiarly or ironically appropriate.
price a sum of money or other reward for which a person will sacrifice his or her principles. [1/6 definitions]
prize a reward offered or won in a contest, competition, game of chance, or the like. [1/8 definitions]
reinforce in psychology, to increase the likelihood of (a specified behavior) by providing or withholding a reward. [1/3 definitions]
remuneration pay, reward, or compensation. [1/2 definitions]
remunerative providing or likely to provide payment or reward; profitable.
repay to do or give in return; reward. [1/4 definitions]
reward to give something to (someone) as a reward. [1/4 definitions]
rewardable combined form of reward.
sellout (informal) the act or an instance of betraying one's friends or one's principles, esp. to gain money, reward, or advantage. [1/3 definitions]
tempt to entice or try to entice (someone) to do something unwise or wrong, as by promising pleasure or reward. [1/4 definitions]
thankless not likely to receive appreciation or reward. [1/2 definitions]
toil-slave one who performs hard labor for another without credit or reward.