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musique concrète (French) tape-recorded sounds that are arranged in various combinations, sequences, and rhythmic patterns to create an artistic work.
poem a piece of writing, often in rhythmic verse and sometimes rhyming, that is characterized by vivid, compressed language and strong emotional force. [1/2 definitions]
prose written or spoken expression in its usual form as a series of sentences that do not have the metrical or rhythmic structure of poetry. [1/3 definitions]
rhythm section the instruments in a band or orchestra that provide the rhythmic beat, such as drums or a bass guitar.
riff a short melodic or rhythmic phrase, often repeated, esp. as an accompaniment for a jazz soloist.
rubato rhythmic flexibility within a measure or passage. [1/3 definitions]
seguidilla a lively, rhythmic Spanish dance to the accompaniment of castanets. [2/3 definitions]
snake charmer an entertainer who controls snakes, esp. venomous ones, by rhythmic music and bodily movements.
systole the rhythmic contraction made by the heart and its ventricles that pushes blood from the chambers. (Cf. diastole.)
tabor a small drum, formerly hung from the neck of a pipe or fife player and used to provide rhythmic accompaniment.
unrhythmic combined form of rhythmic.
yell a rhythmic cheer shouted or chanted by a group, esp. by students in schools or colleges to encourage athletic teams. [1/4 definitions]