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leaf mold compost or rich soil consisting of decomposed leaves. [1/2 definitions]
loam a rich, easily crumbled soil made up of silt, sand, clay, and organic matter. [1/2 definitions]
lymph a transparent, usu. yellowish liquid produced by body tissues that is rich in white blood cells.
Madeira (often l.c.) any of several rich, fortified white or amber wines, similar to sherry, that are made mostly on this island. [1/3 definitions]
madeleine a rich cakelike pastry baked in a small mold.
meaty rich in substance; thought-provoking; pithy. [1/3 definitions]
mellow rich and with the harshness removed, as by aging. [1/6 definitions]
mesquite any of several shrubs or small trees of the legume family, found in the southwestern United States and Mexico, which bear pods rich in sugar that are used as fodder for livestock. [1/2 definitions]
middle class the social class between the very rich or the aristocracy and lower-class laborers, that includes business people, professionals, farmers, skilled workers, and the like; bourgeoisie.
mold3 a loose rich soil that contains much decayed organic matter.
moneybags (informal; used with a sing. verb) a rich person.
moneyed possessing much money; wealthy; rich. [1/2 definitions]
orotund having a full, rich sound, as in voice or speech. [1/2 definitions]
overrich combined form of rich.
paduasoy a rich, strong, corded silk fabric. [1/2 definitions]
parfait a rich frozen dessert of custard, syrups, and whipped cream. [1/2 definitions]
pay dirt soil, gravel, or ore that is rich in some mineral that makes mining it profitable. [1/2 definitions]
peat soil, usu. from a marshy area, that is rich in partly decayed organic matter and can be used as fuel or fertilizer.
perique a strong, rich, black tobacco grown in Louisiana that is used mainly in blends.
Persian rug a handwoven rug made in Iran, having rich, harmonious colors in a variety of complex floral, foliate, and animal patterns.
plum pudding a rich boiled or steamed pudding often made with raisins or currants in addition to flour, spices, and suet.