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horse to mount or ride a horse. [1/10 definitions]
hydroplane to ride in a hydroplane. [1/5 definitions]
jock1 (informal) someone employed to ride horses in races; jockey.
jockey someone employed to ride horses in races. [3/6 definitions]
jog1 to ride (a horse) at a steady trot. [2/9 definitions]
joust a real or simulated fight in which two knights on horseback ride toward each other and try to unhorse each other with lances or other weapons. [1/4 definitions]
joy ride a short, reckless car ride usu. for the thrill of driving fast or being in danger.
kiteboard to ride over water standing on a small board while being towed by a kite whose line is attached to one's body; kitesurf.
kitesurf to ride over water standing on a small board while being towed by a kite whose line is attached to one's body; kiteboard.
lift a ride in a vehicle, given to help a person who is traveling on foot. [1/12 definitions]
lope of a horse or person, to trot or run gracefully and effortlessly with long steps, or to ride a horse at this gait. [1/3 definitions]
motor to drive or ride in a motor vehicle. [1/5 definitions]
motorcycle to go by motorcycle; ride on or operate a motorcycle. [1/2 definitions]
mount1 to get on top of a horse or into a vehicle in preparation for a ride. [1/10 definitions]
outing a walk or ride outdoors. [1/2 definitions]
override to ride over, esp. in such a manner as to trample. [1/8 definitions]
palfrey a saddle horse, esp. one for women to ride.
pedal to ride a bicycle. [1/7 definitions]
pentathlon in the Olympic games, a five-event contest in which each competitor must ride, on horseback, a cross-country course, run cross-country, swim, fence, and shoot a pistol. [1/2 definitions]
prance to ride a horse that is moving in this way. [1/5 definitions]
ridable combined form of ride.