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Dictionary Suite
red pepper one of several varieties of pepper plant bearing green pods that turn red when ripe. [1/2 definitions]
ripen to become or cause to become ripe, mature, or fully prepared.
samara a winged fruit, as of the elm or maple, that does not split open when ripe and usu. has one seed.
sandbox tree a tropical American tree with a spiny trunk and woody seed capsules that burst noisily when ripe.
tangerine the color of this fruit when ripe. [1/3 definitions]
unripe not ripe; immature. [1/2 definitions]
vegetable ivory the ripe, ivorylike seed of a South American palm which is used to make buttons, ornaments, and the like.
yellow the color of an egg yolk or ripe lemon; the color between orange and green on the spectrum. [1/7 definitions]