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channel the bed of a river, stream, or other waterway. [1/8 definitions]
Charon in Greek and Roman mythology, the ferryman who transported the dead across the river Styx to the underworld. [1/2 definitions]
Chinook a member of a North American Indian tribe of the Columbia River region. [1/3 definitions]
chute1 a waterfall or swiftly moving section of a river. [1/4 definitions]
Colorado a river that flows southwest from this state to the Pacific. [1/2 definitions]
Columbia a river that flows from British Columbia, along the Washington-Oregon border, and into the Pacific. [1/2 definitions]
Congo a river of Central Africa flowing into the Atlantic Ocean; Zaire. [1/3 definitions]
Congo River a river of central Africa flowing into the Atlantic Ocean; Zaire River.
continental divide an extensive ridge of mountains on a continent that separates river systems flowing in opposite directions.
creek a stream, smaller than a river, in some places flowing only after rain falls or snow melts.
crosscurrent a current, as in a river, that moves at an angle to the main current. [1/2 definitions]
Cumberland a U.S. river that flows from southeastern Kentucky westward through Tennessee, emptying into the Ohio river in southwestern Kentucky. [1/2 definitions]
cut bank a steep riverbank, esp. one formed by erosion along a bend in a river.
Dallas a large U.S. city in northeastern Texas on the Trinity River.
Danube a river originating in Germany and flowing through central Europe, eventually emptying into the Black Sea.
Danube River a river originating in Germany and flowing through central Europe, eventually emptying into the Black Sea.
D.C.2 abbreviation of "District of Columbia," a federal area on the Maryland side of the Potomac River that encompasses only the U.S. capital city of Washington (often used informally to refer to the city.)
debacle a torrent of rushing water or broken-up ice, as on a river; flood. [1/3 definitions]
debouch of a river or the like, to flow from a narrow valley into a larger channel or open plain. [1/4 definitions]
deposit anything that has been deposited, such as money in a bank or silt in a river. [1/10 definitions]
District of Columbia a federal area on the Maryland side of the Potomac River that encompasses only the U.S. capital city of Washington. (abbr.: DC)