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corduroy a road, bridge, or the like constructed by laying logs crosswise to its path. [3/6 definitions]
cross-country directed or moving over rough ground rather than on a smooth path, track, or road. [1/4 definitions]
curve a bend in a road. [1/7 definitions]
detour a departure from the direct course, esp. a temporary route established to avoid road blockage or repair. [1/4 definitions]
dip a downward slope or extension, as in a road. [1/15 definitions]
ditch to drive (a vehicle) off the tracks or the road into a ditch. [1/7 definitions]
divide to separate and diverge, as one road into two roads. [1/8 definitions]
dogleg something bent at a sharp angle, esp. a road or a golf fairway with a sharp curve. [1/2 definitions]
downgrade a slope downward, as in a road. [1/5 definitions]
driveway a private road that provides access from a street to a building such as a house or garage.
exit one of the designated places where vehicles can leave an expressway or other major road. [1/7 definitions]
fork to follow one branch, as of a road. [1/6 definitions]
frontage the linear extent of land next to a street, road, river, lake, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
grade the degree of inclination of a road or railroad. [1/9 definitions]
grade crossing the place where one railroad track intersects another, or intersects a road at the same level.
gravel to cover with gravel, as a path or road. [1/4 definitions]
ground glass glass ground into small particles, used in abrasives, road surfacing, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
guidepost a sign along a road showing direction or distance. [1/2 definitions]
gutter a shallow channel or trough for draining water, as under the eaves of a roof or along the edge of a road or street. [1/10 definitions]
hack1 to make (a way, path, road, or the like) by chopping out obstructions. [1/12 definitions]
highway a major public road on which one can drive at high speeds, esp. between cities. [2 definitions]