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mountain ash any of several usu. ornamental trees of the rose family, bearing clusters of white flowers and red or orange berries.
multiflora rose a variety of rose shrub bearing thick clusters of small flowers and used for hedges.
musk rose a rose of the Mediterranean region, bearing white, musk-scented flowers.
plum any of various trees of the rose family that bear this fruit. [1/6 definitions]
quince a flowering tree of the rose family that bears an edible fruit. [1/2 definitions]
rambler a climbing rose plant that bears small flowers in clusters. [1/2 definitions]
raspberry any of a group of often prickly plants of the rose family. [1/4 definitions]
resurrection plant any of several plants, such as the rose of Jericho, that curl up during dry periods and expand and become green again when they get water.
rhodo- rose.
rhodochrosite a rose-pink, brown, or gray mineral composed of manganese carbonate that typically occurs as rhombohedral crystals and is important commercially as a source of manganese.
rhodolite a pink, rose-red, or reddish violet variety of garnet, used as a gemstone.
rosaceous of or belonging to the rose family of plants. [2 definitions]
rose1 resembling a rose or roses, as in color, shape, or fragrance. [2/7 definitions]
rose acacia a shrub found in the southern United States that has brittle, prickling branches and bears clusters of large, rose-colored flowers.
roseate suffused or tinged with a rose color; rosy. [1/2 definitions]
rosebud the bud of a rose, or something resembling it.
rose chafer a long-legged gray beetle that feeds on and damages roses and other plants; rose bug; rose beetle.
rose fever a form of hay fever that occurs in spring or early summer as an allergic reaction to rose pollen.
rose geranium any of several geraniums that bear small pink or rose-colored flowers and are grown for their fragrant leaves, used in flavorings and perfumes.
rose hip the fruit of the rose plant, which contains several smaller fruitlets and is usu. red in color.
roseola a rose-colored rash, such as rubella.