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roseola a rose-colored rash, such as rubella.
rose quartz a pink or rose-colored variety of quartz, used as a gemstone.
roseslug the larva of any of certain sawflies, which feeds on rose leaves.
rosette any of various objects that resemble a rose by being circular and segmented, such as a badge made of gathered ribbon, an architectural ornament, or one of a leopard's spots.
rose window a circular window, usu. with stained glass panes and a radiating, rose-shaped tracery in a symmetrical pattern around the center.
rosewood any of various tropical or semitropical trees that have a dark reddish, hard, strongly grained wood and sometimes a scent like a rose. [1/2 definitions]
rosy finch any of several related finches, found in western North America and eastern Asia, that have rose-colored tinting on the wings, rump, tail, or the like.
rugosa rose a variety of hardy rose having very thorny stems and rough leaves, often used for hedges.
stipule either of a pair of small, leaflike parts at the base of a leaf in plants such as the bean, pea, or rose.
sweetbrier a fragrant tall-growing rose plant that bears single pink flowers and has abundant thorns.
tea rose a species of Chinese rose that bears fragrant yellow or pink flowers.
toyon a California evergreen, related to the rose, that bears clusters of white flowers and bright red berries.
vin rosé pink wine (French); a wine made from certain red-skinned grapes; rosé wine.
wild rose a native species of rose, such as eglantine.