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Dictionary Suite
landscape a stretch of scenery, usu. rural, that is visible from one viewpoint. [1/5 definitions]
landscape architecture the art or profession of planning or changing rural or urban land for a desired effect, often both practical and aesthetic.
outback (sometimes cap.) remote, rural areas, esp. in Australia and New Zealand (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/2 definitions]
pastoral of or relating to the country or country life; rural. [1/6 definitions]
patois a rural or regional variety of a language, esp. in France, that is considered to be substandard; dialect. [1/2 definitions]
RD abbreviation of "rural delivery," delivery of mail along rural routes, usu. to a roadside mailbox rather than to the door.
redneck (chiefly American)(informal; often offensive) a poor, white, rural person, often considered ignorant or bigoted.
RR abbreviation of "rural route." [1/2 definitions]
rural delivery delivery of mail along rural routes, usu. to a roadside mailbox rather than to the door.
ruralism the quality or condition of being rural. [2 definitions]
ruralize to cause to become rural.
rural route a mail-delivery route that serves a rural area.
rustic of, occurring, or living in a rural area. [3/4 definitions]
rusticate to settle in the country and lead a rural life. [1/3 definitions]
soul food items of food traditionally eaten by Black people of the rural U.S., such as collard greens, chitterlings, and ham hocks.
squire a title sometimes applied to a rural U.S. judge or prominent lawyer. [1/6 definitions]
straw-hat of, designating, or relating to a summer theater or summer theaters located in rural or suburban areas.
urbanization the process by which the population in cities and towns grows as people leave rural areas for urban areas. [1/2 definitions]
urban sprawl spreading of the urban structure into adjoining suburbs and rural areas.
village a small town or community, usu. in a rural area. [1/2 definitions]