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jib1 a sail that is shaped like a triangle and used in the front of a sailing boat.
jib2 to shift (a sail) from one side to the other while sailing before the wind; jibe.
jib boom a spar attached to and extending beyond the bowsprit of a sailing vessel, used to secure the jib or other headsail.
jibe1 to move a sail or boom to the other side while sailing before the wind. [3/4 definitions]
jolly boat a small boat usu. carried on the stern of a sailing vessel.
ketch a sailing vessel with two masts, the larger one forward and the smaller one aft just ahead of the rudder.
knockabout a small sailing vessel with a mainsail, jib, and keel, but no bowsprit. [1/3 definitions]
longboat the longest and largest boat carried by a merchant sailing ship.
luff the act of sailing into the wind. [1/5 definitions]
mainmast the principal or tallest mast of a sailing ship.
mainsail the principal, lowermost sail on the mainmast of a sailing ship.
mainstay a strong rope or cable that holds and steadies the mast of a sailing ship. [1/2 definitions]
maintop the platform positioned at the head of the mainmast on a square-rigged sailing vessel.
main-topmast the section of the mainmast on a sailing vessel that is positioned between the top and lower masts.
main yard the lowest transverse spar or pole on the mainmast, used to set the mainsail on a sailing vessel.
martingale in the rigging of a sailing ship, a stay that helps hold a sail down. [1/2 definitions]
mast1 a long, vertical pole that rises from the bottom of a sailing vessel to support the sails and rigging; spar. [1/2 definitions]
nautical having to do with the sea, sailing, or sailors.
pinnace a small sailing boat formerly used to accompany and tend a larger boat. [1/2 definitions]
piragua a sailing vessel having a flat bottom and two masts. [1/2 definitions]
plain sailing sailing on a clear, smooth, unimpeded course. [1/2 definitions]