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gavel a small hammer, usu. wooden, used by a judge or someone presiding over a meeting or auction to get attention, call for order, or signal a sale.
gun control the practice or policy of enacting and enforcing laws that impose stricter regulations on the sale, possession, and use of guns.
hatchery a place where the eggs of fish, chickens, or other animals are hatched, as for the stocking of rivers, commercial sale, or other purposes.
hawk2 to offer (goods) for sale by crying out or going from place to place.
homestead law any law prohibiting forced sale or seizure of a homestead to settle debt. [2 definitions]
imperfect an item of goods that contains a defect but still is considered usable and is offered for sale usu. at a lower price. [1/5 definitions]
in stock present for sale.
land office a government office established to transact and record the sale and transfer of public lands.
list1 to be available for sale at a certain price. [1/3 definitions]
local option the right to decide by vote whether something controversial, such as the sale of liquor, shall be allowed in a certain locality.
lot an area of land used for parking vehicles or for exhibiting vehicles for sale. [1/8 definitions]
lumberyard a place where lumber is stacked and offered for sale.
market a place where goods are available for sale. [2/6 definitions]
medicine show a usu. small group of traveling salespeople who put on entertaining shows to attract customers for the patent medicines and other cures offered for sale.
merchandise to promote the sale of. [1/3 definitions]
merchandising all of the activities involved in promoting the sale of goods.
negotiate to transact or conduct (a sale, exchange, or the like). [1/5 definitions]
nursery a place where plants or trees are cultivated, often for sale. [1/3 definitions]
nurseryman one who grows plants or young trees, often for sale.
offer to present for sale. [1/14 definitions]
offering that which is offered, either as a gift or for sale. [1/4 definitions]