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gasp to say while or as if gasping. [1/3 definitions]
gesticulate to communicate or say by gesticulating. [1/2 definitions]
get off to manage to say, write, or send (something). [1/10 definitions]
go1 (informal) to say (often used to highlight the exact words that are said and often to imitate what is said in order to bring drama to the reporting). [1/28 definitions]
go along with to do or say nothing to oppose someone or something. [1/3 definitions]
good afternoon used to say hello or good-bye in the afternoon.
good evening used to say hello or good-bye during the evening.
irony the use of such contrast in drama, as between the actual situation and what the characters understand or say about it, to create suspense or comedy. [1/3 definitions]
iterate to say or do again or repeatedly; reiterate.
jape to say something as a joke; jest. [1/3 definitions]
jawbreaker (informal) a usu. long word that is difficult to say correctly. [1/2 definitions]
joke to say something for effect or amusement without meaning what one is saying. [1/7 definitions]
mention to say or to bring up the subject of (something), usually in just a few words or in passing. [1/3 definitions]
message to say or tell in an electronic message. [1/7 definitions]
mirabile dictu (Latin) wonderful to say or relate.
mistime to say or do at an inappropriate time. [1/2 definitions]
mumble to say in a low and indistinct voice. [1/3 definitions]
murmur to say something in a deliberately subdued voice, as to voice a complaint. [1/6 definitions]
mutter to say (something) in a low or unclear manner. [1/4 definitions]
namely that is to say.
nonplus to cause (someone) to be unable to think of what to say, do, or decide; perplex; bewilder. [1/2 definitions]