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dame school an informal school common to Colonial New England in which rudimentary educational and social skills were taught to children by a woman in her home. [2 definitions]
day camp a place or program that offers recreational or instructional activities during the daytime for children who are on vacation from school.
day care daytime care and supervision, in a home or day-care center, esp. for preschool children, or after-school or vacation care for older children, or supervised daytime care for elderly or disabled people. [1/2 definitions]
day nursery a nursery school in which preschool children, usu. of working parents, receive care and supervision during the day.
day school a private school for pupils who live at home and attend classes only during the day. (Cf. boarding school.) [2 definitions]
dean a high school or college official who is responsible for administration, counseling, discipline, or extracurricular activities. [1/4 definitions]
dropout someone who has quit school, esp. high school, without graduating. [1/2 definitions]
drop out to stop participating in something; quit (school or other non-job activity).
dunce cap a cone-shaped cap worn in former times by school children as punishment for slowness or laziness.
Eleatic of or pertaining to an ancient Greek school of philosophy that developed a systematic method of inquiry, esp. into the illusory character of plurality, movement, and change. [2 definitions]
elective a school or college course, often not required, that is chosen for study from a number of alternatives. [1/5 definitions]
elementary school a school in which the first six to eight years of a child's education is taught.
enrollment the number of people enrolled, as in a school. [1/2 definitions]
exchange student a student who attends high school in a foreign country, while a student from that country studies in the country of the first.
exercise (often pl.) a ceremony, esp. celebrating graduation from a school. [1/10 definitions]
expel to dismiss or oust, as from a school, organization, or organized event. [1/2 definitions]
extracurricular outside the regular curriculum of a school, or outside of academic pursuits in a school. [1/2 definitions]
extramural pertaining to activities partially pursued at, or involving students at, another school. [1/2 definitions]
faculty the body of teachers in a school, college, or university. [1/3 definitions]
finishing school a private school at the secondary or junior college level for the training of young women, esp. in the social graces and accomplishments appropriate to polite society.
flunk to give a failing grade to, or prohibit from continuing in a course or school because of such failure. [1/3 definitions]