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flunk to give a failing grade to, or prohibit from continuing in a course or school because of such failure. [1/3 definitions]
flunk out (informal) to be dismissed from a school because of failing grades.
free school a school that is an alternative to the traditional public and private schools, with a flexible approach to teaching.
freshman a first-year student at a high school, college, or university. [1/4 definitions]
gam a school or group of whales.
gold star a small gold star used as a symbol or recognition of excellence, esp. a stamp or sticker affixed to a young child's school papers. [1/2 definitions]
grad (informal) someone who has graduated from a school; graduate.
grade a division made by age to group school children for instruction, or the children who belong to such a division. [1/9 definitions]
grader a student in a certain grade at school (usu. used in combination). [1/3 definitions]
grade school see "elementary school."
graduate to be given a degree or diploma upon completing studies at a school, college, or university. [1/6 definitions]
graduation the conferring or receiving of a degree or diploma for the completion of study at a school, college, or university. [1/4 definitions]
grammar school see "elementary school." [2 definitions]
gymnasium in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, a secondary school for students who wish to prepare for university. [1/3 definitions]
headmaster a man who is principal of an elementary or secondary school, esp. a private school for boys.
headmistress a woman who is principal of an elementary or secondary school, esp. a private school for girls.
high school a school consisting of grades nine or ten through twelve or, formerly, grades seven through twelve.
home economics a high school or college course that teaches this. [1/2 definitions]
homeroom a school classroom where students meet at the beginning of the school day for attendance and announcements.
homework schoolwork that is assigned to be done at home rather than at school.
honor society a high-school or college organization for which students outstanding in academics are selected.