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Pietà (sometimes l.c.) a depiction, as in sculpture or painting, of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, holding him in grief following the Crucifixion.
plaster cast a copy or mold of a piece of sculpture that is produced in plaster of Paris. [1/2 definitions]
plaster of Paris any of several white gypsum powders that form a paste and harden quickly when added to water, and are used for making casts, molds, and sculpture.
plastic art an art, such as sculpture, in which forms are carved or modeled in three dimensions. [1/2 definitions]
portrait a painting, drawing, photograph, or sculpture of a person, esp. a person's face. [1/2 definitions]
Romanesque of, designating, or describing painting, sculpture, and other arts of this period. [1/2 definitions]
sculpt to make (a sculpture), as by carving, chiseling, or molding. [2 definitions]
sculptor an artist who produces sculpture.
sculptress a female artist who produces sculpture.
sculpture to produce (a sculpture), as by carving, chiseling, or molding. [3/7 definitions]
sculpturesque like or suggestive of sculpture, as a shapely woman.
stabile a large abstract sculpture that remains stationary but presents different forms as the viewer walks around it. (Cf. mobile.) [1/3 definitions]
terra cotta a hard brownish red ceramic clay, used in the making of sculpture, pottery, architectural ornaments, and building components. [1/2 definitions]
torso a representation of the torso in sculpture. [1/2 definitions]
totem a representation of a totem, usu. in sculpture, masks, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
trompe l'oeil a painting or sculpture in which the illusions of three-dimensionality and tactile reality are so convincing that the viewer may not be sure if what is seen is real or represented. [1/2 definitions]
work of art a product of creative effort, esp. in the graphic or plastic arts, such as a painting or sculpture. [1/2 definitions]