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letter of marque formerly, a government document that authorized a ship captain to seize the ships of other nations.
military coup the sudden and forceful attempt of a military group to seize state power; coup d'état.
nab (informal) to catch or seize; arrest. [1/2 definitions]
pillage to openly and forcefully seize goods from, as during a war; plunder. [3/4 definitions]
pounce to jump or swoop down in order to seize or capture something. [2/4 definitions]
preempt to seize or appropriate ahead of others. [1/4 definitions]
prong to pierce or seize with, or as if with, a prong or prongs. [1/3 definitions]
raid a surprise entry by police into private property, usu. to make arrests or seize something. [1/7 definitions]
reave to take away by or as if by force; seize. [1/3 definitions]
sequestrate in law, to seize (property); confiscate. [1/2 definitions]
snatch to seize or try to seize something, esp. with a quick or sudden movement (usu. fol. by at). [1/8 definitions]
tackle to seize and throw a person to the ground, as in football. [1/7 definitions]
take to obtain possession of through force, skill, or trick; seize; capture. [1/36 definitions]
take hold to grasp or seize something (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/3 definitions]
take over to seize power over (something). [1/3 definitions]
usurp to seize a right, position, or the like forcibly, illegally, or wrongfully. [1/3 definitions]
warrant in law, a judicial order or writ giving an officer of the law the right to make searches, seize property, make arrests, or execute judgments. [1/9 definitions]
worry to seize and shake repeatedly, esp. with the teeth. [1/9 definitions]