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misdirect to put the wrong address on (a letter) or, of the postal service, to send (a letter) to the wrong address. [1/2 definitions]
orbit to send into an orbit. [1/7 definitions]
pass on to send or refer (someone) to another person. [1/3 definitions]
petition to present or send a petition. [1/7 definitions]
precipitate to send, plunge, or cast suddenly or violently [1/11 definitions]
radiate to send forth rays or waves, as of heat or electromagnetic radiation. [1/8 definitions]
radio to send (information) by means of radio. [3/9 definitions]
rain to pour forth or send down. [1/8 definitions]
recycle to pass or send through a cycle again. [1/3 definitions]
release to send forth or allow to escape. [1/10 definitions]
relegate to send or consign to a condition, place, or position of lesser importance or esteem. [1/3 definitions]
remand to transfer or send back. [2/6 definitions]
remember to send affectionate greetings from. [1/7 definitions]
remit to send (money) to someone or some place. [3/8 definitions]
repatriate to send back or restore (a political refugee or prisoner of war) to the country of origin or citizenship. [1/2 definitions]
reroute to send by another or different road or way.
reship to ship or send again. [1/4 definitions]
return to send, put, give, or take back to an earlier place or situation. [1/23 definitions]
ring2 to cause a bell to send out a sound as a signal or summons. [1/18 definitions]
rusticate to send (someone) to live in the country. [1/3 definitions]
scintillate to send out sparks. [2/4 definitions]