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Dictionary Suite
playroom a room set aside for recreation.
playtime time set aside for play or recreation, esp. for children.
potter's field an area set aside for the burial of the friendless poor or unknown individuals.
presbytery the part of a church set aside for the clergy. [1/4 definitions]
preserve an area set aside for the protection and propagation of fish, animals, or plant life; nature preserve. [1/8 definitions]
pressroom the room in a newspaper office, or the usu. temporary headquarters at or near the site of some news event, set aside for the reporters. [1/2 definitions]
quash2 to declare to be of no effect, esp. in a legal proceeding; set aside; annul.
reservation an area of land set aside by the U.S. Government for the use of Native Americans. [1/4 definitions]
reserve to set aside, or cause to be set aside, for a particular purpose or individual. [1/8 definitions]
sickroom a room set aside for a sick person.
sinking fund a fund set aside to pay off the long-term debt of a state or corporation.
study a room set aside for reading and studying. [1/12 definitions]
study hall a classroom or other area set aside for this use. [1/2 definitions]
superannuate to discard, dispose of, or set aside as out of date, old-fashioned, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
supersede to cause to be replaced or set aside. [1/2 definitions]
war chest a fund of money set aside for a special purpose, such as a political campaign.
year a portion of the year that is recurrently set aside for something specific. [1/5 definitions]