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casualty a victim of a severe accident, esp. one that results in death. [1/5 definitions]
censure severe criticism or disapproval. [1/4 definitions]
chigger a tiny parasitic mite larva that lives in the skin of vertebrates, causing severe itching and possible spreading of infectious disease. [1/2 definitions]
chigoe a kind of tropical flea, the fertile female of which lives parasitically in the skin of humans and other animals, where she swells with eggs and causes severe irritation and often infection.
chloracne a severe skin disorder resembling acne, resulting from exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as dioxin.
commutation a substitution of a milder for a more severe criminal sentence. [1/3 definitions]
crab louse a louse that infests the human pubic area or armpit and causes severe itching.
cramp1 (usu. pl.) severe abdominal pain, such as that caused by intestinal disorders or the uterine contractions occurring during labor and menstruation. [1/3 definitions]
critical tending to make severe judgments or to find fault. [1/6 definitions]
cytokine storm a severe immune reaction of the body in which cytokines, which normally help in the process of fighting infection, are released in overwhelming numbers and begin to attack healthy cells.
dementia severe and irreversible deterioration of mental abilities, accompanied by emotional disturbances and caused by an organic disorder of the brain. [1/2 definitions]
dengue an infectious tropical fever causing a rash and severe pains in the joints.
derecho a severe and destructive weather event in which an expansive windstorm moves rapidly across a large area in a relatively straight line, generally accompanied by intense thunderstorms.
diphtheria a severe contagious bacterial infection whose symptoms are high fever and difficulty in breathing.
doom a judgment or decision made by a court, esp. one accompanied by a severe penalty or punishment. [1/5 definitions]
dour harsh, stern, or severe. [1/3 definitions]
drastic severe or extreme; radical. [1/2 definitions]
dressing-down a severe scolding.
dust bowl an area that has become desertlike because of severe dust storms or drought.
dust storm a storm of severe winds that sweep up clouds of dust from land dried up by a drought.
dysentery an infectious disease of the lower bowel, causing pain, severe diarrhea, and passage of blood and mucus. [1/2 definitions]