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erogenous tending to arouse sexual desire or result in sexual gratification when stimulated.
Eros (l.c.) sexual desire. [1/4 definitions]
erotic of or pertaining to sexual love. [3 definitions]
erotica (used with a sing. or pl. verb) books, pictures, and the like that tend to arouse sexual feelings; erotic literature or art.
eroticism sexual or erotic quality or character. [2 definitions]
erotogenic extremely sensitive to sexual stimulation; erogenous.
erotomania sexual desire that is abnormally strong and prolonged.
estrogen any of several female hormones that produce sexual heat and capability of pregnancy in most mammals, and that produce and maintain other female characteristics.
estrus the recurrent period of heat or sexual excitement in female mammals, during which the female will mate with the male.
explicit marked by the clear depiction of nudity or sexual acts. [1/4 definitions]
extramarital of or pertaining to sexual relations between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse; adulterous.
faithful sexually loyal; not having sexual relations with those other than one's partner or spouse. [1/7 definitions]
familiarity impertinent or presumptuous intimacy, esp. a sexual advance. [1/3 definitions]
fancy (chiefly British) to have a romantic or sexual interest in. [1/14 definitions]
favor (pl.) sexual pleasures, esp. as granted by a woman. [1/11 definitions]
feel up (vulgar slang) to touch in a sexual manner.
fetish an object or nongenital body part that consistently arouses sexual desire. [1/3 definitions]
fetishism a psychological disorder in which an object stimulates sexual passion. [1/2 definitions]
flagellant one who participates in flagellation as a means of sexual gratification. [1/2 definitions]
flagrante delicto while engaging in sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
flesh the sensual aspect of human life, esp. sexual pleasure. [1/9 definitions]