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positive in photography, showing light, shade, and color in their natural way, in contrast to their inversion in a negative. [1/13 definitions]
ramada an open or partially enclosed shelter, usu. with a thatched roof, designed to provide shade.
shade an object or device that intercepts or blocks light rays or heat, esp. a cone-shaped hood for a lamp, or a window shade. [2/16 definitions]
shadeless combined form of shade.
shadow to cast a shadow on or over; shade. [1/12 definitions]
shady sheltered from sunlight; in the shade. [2/3 definitions]
somber of a dark shade or condition. [1/2 definitions]
summerhouse a small building or structure, such as a gazebo, located in a park, garden, or the like and meant to provide shade, esp. during a summer day.
tint a variety or shade of a color. [1/6 definitions]
tone the shade of a color; tint; hue. [1/10 definitions]
tree of heaven an Asian shade tree, widely cultivated in the United States, that has compound leaves and unpleasant-smelling flowers.
vignette to shade off at the edges (a drawing or photograph). [1/5 definitions]
walnut any of various trees related to the hickory, bearing edible nuts, and used as shade trees and as a source of high-quality wood. [1/4 definitions]
window shade a shade or blind for a window, made of heavy cloth or paper and usu. mounted on a spring roller.