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gunboat a small armed boat used in shallow waters.
gutter a shallow channel or trough for draining water, as under the eaves of a roof or along the edge of a road or street. [1/10 definitions]
homburg a felt hat that has a stiff, shallow, slightly curled brim and a soft creased crown.
lagoon a shallow, saltwater area by the sea but separated from it by sandbars or by coral reefs or islands. [1/3 definitions]
lake dwelling a dwelling, esp. in prehistoric times, built on wooden piles in a shallow part of a lake or marsh.
manatee any of several docile plant-eating animals that resemble the seal and are found in shallow tropical waters of the Atlantic; sea cow.
meretricious appealing or attracting in a cheap, showy, or shallow way. [1/2 definitions]
mimic octopus a type of brown octopus that lives along the shallow muddy bottoms of river mouths off the coast of Southeast Asia that has the capability of mimicking toxic species, such as sole, lionfish, and seasnake.
namby-pamby shallow and without conviction; insipid. [1/3 definitions]
nappy1 a small shallow serving dish.
nick a shallow cut, notch, or chip in a surface. [2/6 definitions]
oyster any of various edible mollusks found chiefly in shallow water and characterized by a lumpy, irregular bi-valved shell, esp. the pearl oyster. [1/3 definitions]
pan an open, shallow container, usu. made of metal, designed for cooking, baking, or other household uses. [1/6 definitions]
petri dish a shallow, round, transparent glass or plastic dish with an overlapping cover, used for culturing bacteria and other microorganisms.
pickerelweed a North American aquatic plant bearing arrow-shaped leaves and spikes of blue-violet flowers that grows in shallow fresh waters.
pie1 a pastry crust filled with meat, cheese, fruit, or other filling, sometimes covered with a layer of crust, and baked in a shallow pan.
pit1 a small, shallow depression in a surface, such as a pockmark. [1/14 definitions]
platter a large shallow dish used for serving food. [2/3 definitions]
porringer a shallow bowl or cup, often with a handle, used esp. by children for soup, hot cereal, or the like.
puddle a small, shallow pool of water, esp. rainwater. [2/6 definitions]
punt2 a flat-bottomed boat propelled by means of a long pole, used primarily for travel on shallow water.