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punt2 a flat-bottomed boat propelled by means of a long pole, used primarily for travel on shallow water.
riffle a shoal or shallow in a stream, or the ripples of water flowing over it. [1/5 definitions]
riverboat a boat that is suited for use in the relatively shallow waters of a river.
sandbox a low frame or shallow pit full of sand for children to play in.
sand trap a golf course hazard consisting of a shallow pit partly filled with sand.
saucer a small shallow dish on which a cup may be set, or an object that resembles such a dish.
scarify to make shallow cuts in (the skin). [1/4 definitions]
scotch a shallow cut; score. [1/4 definitions]
shallop any of various small open boats formerly used for rowing or sailing, or both, in shallow water.
shallow to make or become shallow. [1/4 definitions]
shirr to bake (eggs) in a shallow dish. [1/3 definitions]
shoal1 a shallow area within a body of water. [3/6 definitions]
spoon a utensil with a small shallow bowl at the end of a handle, used for eating, stirring, serving, or measuring. [1/4 definitions]
steppingstone a raised stone on which one may step in order to cross a shallow body of water such as a creek or stream. [1/2 definitions]
stromatolite a laminated rock with accumulated layers of prokaryotic bacteria, algae, and sediment found in shallow marine environments, contains the oldest fossils known today.
superficial not profound; shallow, slight, or insignificant. [1/5 definitions]
surffish any of various fishes of the shallow Pacific coastal waters of North America.
surfperch any of various fishes of shallow Pacific coastal waters of North America that bear live young; surffish.
tambourine a small, shallow, one-sided drum with jingling metal disks attached around the rim, played by shaking with one hand and striking with the other. Some tambourines do not have a drum head and make sound only with the colliding of the metal disks.
tart2 a shallow, baked pastry shell with a sweet or savory filling, usu. having no top crust. [1/2 definitions]
wade to play in shallow water. [1/5 definitions]