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blip a sharp sound of short duration, often produced electronically. [1/5 definitions]
blunt having a dull edge or point; not sharp. [1/5 definitions]
bodkin a small tool with a sharp point for punching holes in cloth or leather. [1/3 definitions]
bop2 a sharp, quick blow with a fist or weapon. [1/2 definitions]
breccia rock consisting of sharp-angled fragments of older rocks cemented together in sandstone, clay, or the like.
brisk sharp and offhand in manner. [1/3 definitions]
cackle to make the sharp, broken cry of a hen. [2/5 definitions]
caltrop a metal device with four sharp spikes set so that one of them always points upward, used to injure or hinder cavalry horses or vehicles with pneumatic tires. [1/2 definitions]
card shark a professional cheater at cards; card sharp. [1/2 definitions]
cheddar (sometimes cap.) a smooth hard cheese that varies in taste from mild to very sharp.
chili the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant. [1/3 definitions]
chili pepper the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant; chili.
chink2 to make or cause to make a sharp, chimelike sound, as of two pieces of metal or glass striking together. [1/2 definitions]
chisel a metal, wedge-shaped tool with a sharp edge, used for cutting stone, wood, or metal. [1/4 definitions]
chop1 to cut by hitting repeatedly, esp. with an ax or other similar sharp tool (often fol. by "down" or "off"). [1/8 definitions]
chopper a short tool with a sharp blade, used for cutting meat. [1/3 definitions]
chromatic in music, having to do with the chromatic scale, which ascends and descends by half steps, as C to C sharp and C sharp to D. [1/2 definitions]
clack to make a short, sharp sound or sounds such as are made by striking two hard objects together. [1/8 definitions]
clank to cause to make a sharp or clanking sound. [1/4 definitions]
clap to strike (one's open hands) together to make a sharp sound, esp. repeatedly, as an expression of approval or agreement. [3/11 definitions]
clarion clear and sharp or shrill, as a call. [1/3 definitions]