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drover someone who drives animals, esp. sheep or cattle, to a place where they can be sold.
ewe a full-grown female sheep.
fleece the wool of a sheep or other animal, esp. the total yield of wool at one shearing. [2/7 definitions]
flock1 a group of animals or birds of one kind keeping or kept together, such as geese or sheep. [1/4 definitions]
fold2 a fenced or walled enclosure where sheep or other domestic animals are kept. [3/4 definitions]
foot-and-mouth disease a severe, very contagious disease of animals such as sheep and cattle, characterized by fever and blisters in the mouth and around the feet or hooves, the teats, and the udder; hoof-and-mouth disease.
haggis a Scottish dish made of sheep or calf organs that are minced, mixed with suet, oatmeal, and seasonings, and boiled in the animal's stomach.
karakul one of an Asian sheep breed having dark, curly wool. [1/2 definitions]
lamb a young sheep, esp. one not weaned. [3/5 definitions]
lights the lungs of animals, esp. of sheep and pigs, used for food.
Lincoln a breed of sheep that originated in east central England and that yields long, coarse wool. [1/2 definitions]
livestock (used with a sing. or pl. verb) domestic animals, such as cows, horses, or sheep, raised or kept on a farm or ranch.
merino a breed of sheep originating in Spain. [2 definitions]
mouflon a wild sheep that inhabits mountainous areas of Corsica and Sardinia.
mountain sheep any of various wild sheep that live in the mountains, esp. the bighorn.
mutton the meat of a mature sheep, as distinguished from lamb.
parchment a paperlike material made of the skins of sheep or goats. [1/3 definitions]
Persian lamb the silky, tightly curled black or gray pelt of a lamb of the karakul sheep of Asia, used in the making of fur coats and hats.
puli1 a medium-sized sheep dog, bred originally in Hungary, having long hair that mats in shaggy coils.
ram a male sheep. [1/9 definitions]
Rambouillet one of a breed of large hardy sheep yielding long fine wool and mutton of good quality.