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plate a thin sheet of a hard material, either natural or man-made. [1/10 definitions]
printed circuit an electric circuit in which the interconnections are formed not by wires but by lines or strips of a conductive material printed, etched, or otherwise deposited on an insulating sheet.
quarto in printing, the size of a page equal to one quarter of a standard whole sheet, or about nine by twelve inches. [2/3 definitions]
racing form a printed sheet or booklet containing information about the horses running at one or several racetracks.
safety glass glass made of two layers separated by a sheet of clear plastic or the like to prevent the glass from shattering into pieces.
scratch sheet a racing publication listing the horses removed from races that day, and other pertinent information such as betting odds; dope sheet.
sheet1 to wrap in, supply with, or cover with a sheet. [1/6 definitions]
sheet2 to move or secure by means of a sheet. [1/2 definitions]
sheet lightning lightning reflected and diffused, often by a distant thunderstorm, that flashes like a sheet of light in the sky.
shroud a wrap for a corpse; winding sheet. [1/6 definitions]
stencil a sheet of some material impervious to paint, inks, or the like out of which letters or a pattern has been cut, so that paint, ink, or the like can pass through to form a design on the underlying surface. [1/4 definitions]
stet to mark (previously canceled material on a proof sheet, manuscript, or the like) with the direction "stet". [1/2 definitions]
stovepipe a cylindrical sheet metal pipe that conducts smoke and fumes from a stove into a vertical flue. [1/2 definitions]
tarpaulin a large sheet of plastic, waterproofed canvas, or other material used to cover and protect something, usu. from rain or snow.
time sheet a sheet of paper on which an employee's work hours are recorded.
tin thin sheet iron or steel plated with tin. [1/8 definitions]
tinfoil tin, aluminum, or a tin alloy rolled out in a thin, flexible sheet and used as wrapping or lining, as for food and food containers.
tin plate thin sheet iron or steel plated with tin.
trace1 to duplicate by following the lines on an original as seen through a sheet of transparent paper. [1/11 definitions]
trampoline a sheet of strong canvas stretched on a horizontal frame by springs or elastic cords, used for tumbling and acrobatics.
turn down to pull (a bed sheet or the like) downward and over so that it partially covers something else, such as a blanket. [1/4 definitions]