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grackle any of a number of North American blackbirds with long tails and shiny black feathers. [1/2 definitions]
holly any of various shrubs or trees that bear small white flowers, bright red berries, and have shiny dark green leaves with prickly edges. [1/2 definitions]
iridescent shiny, lustrous, or brightly colored. [1/2 definitions]
ivy a climbing, woody vine that has shiny evergreen leaves, bears black berries, and is often used as an ornamental covering on buildings; English ivy. [1/2 definitions]
jackdaw a shiny black bird originating in Europe and related to the crow.
japan any of a number of shiny, black, long-lasting varnishes. [1/4 definitions]
Japanese beetle a shiny green and brown beetle, originally from Asia, that eats the leaves, fruits, flowers, and roots of plants.
jet2 a deep shiny black color. [1/4 definitions]
jetbead a cultivated shrub of the rose family that bears white flowers and clusters of four shiny black fruits.
korat any of a breed of cat having a shiny bluish coat and large greenish eyes.
laurel any of various evergreen trees or shrubs of the Mediterranean area, now cultivated in America, that have large, shiny, aromatic leaves and bear yellow flowers. [1/3 definitions]
mag wheel an automobile or truck wheel of steel alloyed with magnesium or aluminum and thus relatively lightweight and shiny.
marble a metamorphic form of limestone, found in many colors and varieties, that can be cut and polished to a hard, shiny surface. [1/7 definitions]
moiré any cloth, esp. silk or rayon, that has a shiny wavelike or watery pattern on its surface. [1/3 definitions]
mountain laurel an evergreen shrub of the eastern United States, having thick shiny leaves and bearing pink and white flowers.
myrtle any of several plants or trees found in the United States, esp. a common ground cover with shiny evergreen leaves and blue flowers; periwinkle. [1/2 definitions]
niobium a chemical element that has forty-one protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a dense, soft, shiny bluish white solid metal, used esp. in alloys of steel to add strength; columbium. (symbol: Nb)
obsidian a dark, shiny volcanic glass, often used in jewelry, that fractures in a smooth, shell-like curve.
periwinkle2 any of several related low, trailing plants that have shiny evergreen leaves and bear small flowers, usu. in shades of blue, purple, or white.
polish to become sleek and shiny by or as if by buffing. [1/8 definitions]
rubber plant a tropical plant that grows as a tree in India and Malaysia and is widely cultivated as a houseplant, with shiny, large, leathery leaves. [1/2 definitions]