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demodulate in telecommunications, to derive the original signal from (a modulated carrier signal); detect.
denote to be a mark or signal of; indicate. [1/3 definitions]
diacritical serving to signal a difference or distinction. [1/2 definitions]
directional a flashing light on an automobile, indicating the direction of a turn; turn signal. [1/3 definitions]
directional signal any of the lights on a motor vehicle that flash to indicate that the vehicle is about to turn and to show the direction in which it will turn. Directional signals are located on both the front and rear of the vehicle and are activated by the driver; turn signal.
doorbell a bell, buzzer, or other signal at an outside door, as of a house or apartment, sounded to gain admission.
drum to signal or summon by striking a drum. [1/10 definitions]
electromechanical of, relating to, or being a device or process in which mechanical movement is used to create an electrical signal or in which an electrical signal is used to create mechanical movement.
feedback in an audio system, a whistling or screeching noise made when the output signal is picked up at the input. [1/6 definitions]
fire alarm a device that gives off a noise to signal that a fire is occurring. [2 definitions]
flag1 to signal or alert, esp. to stop, using or as if using a flag (sometimes fol. by "down"). [1/3 definitions]
flying start a start in racing in which the competitors are moving at full speed when they cross a starting line or receive a signal which indicates the official start. [1/2 definitions]
FM a system of varying a radio signal's frequency so as to impose the signal on a carrier wave; frequency modulation. [1/2 definitions]
foreshadow to signal or indicate beforehand; presage; prefigure.
foretell to be a sign or omen of; signal; portend. [1/2 definitions]
fusee a red flare used as a warning signal, esp. of stalled railway trains or of stalled trucks on a highway. [1/4 definitions]
gavel a small hammer, usu. wooden, used by a judge or someone presiding over a meeting or auction to get attention, call for order, or signal a sale.
go-ahead (informal) a signal that it is all right to proceed. [1/2 definitions]
hail1 to call out, as a greeting, signal, or means of identification, esp. to a passing ship. [1/7 definitions]
half-mast a point midway up a ship's mast, at which the flag is flown to signal distress or as a symbol of mourning. [1/2 definitions]
hang up to signal an end to one's call on (a telephone). [1/4 definitions]