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silk like silk in smoothness and luster; silky. [1/5 definitions]
silk cotton a silky fiber covering the seeds of certain tropical trees such as the silk-cotton, used as a soft stuffing material.
spaniel a small to medium-sized dog with short legs, long drooping ears, and long silky hair. [1/2 definitions]
spinneret an organ in spiders and caterpillars that produces the silky thread for webs and cocoons. [1/2 definitions]
springer spaniel a dog of either of two breeds of spaniel, English or Welsh, having drooping ears and a silky brown and white or black and white coat, and used for flushing and retrieving game.
Sussex spaniel any of a breed of spaniel dog originally bred in Sussex, England, having a silky golden to reddish brown coat, long ears, and short legs.
vicuņa a wild cloven-hoofed, cud-chewing mammal of South America that is related to the llama but is smaller and has a silky fleece. [1/2 definitions]
Yorkshire terrier an English breed of toy terrier having a long coat of silky fur that is bluish gray on the body and tan on the head and chest.