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Dictionary Suite
complex having a complicated structure; not simple. [1/5 definitions]
compound eye an eye made up of several simple eyes, as is found in most insects.
cookie cutter a simple device with a sharp edge that allows one to easily and repeatedly cut dough in the outline of a particular shape.
cottage pudding a dessert consisting of a simple cake covered with a sweet sauce, as of fruit.
crude lacking complexity; simple. [1/7 definitions]
crystal detector a simple radio receiver made of a semiconducting crystal touched by a fine wire.
device something designed or made for a specific purpose, esp. an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks mechanically or electrically. [1/3 definitions]
ditty a short simple song.
Doric of, pertaining to, designating, or characteristic of the earliest and simplest order of classical Greek architecture, later adapted by the Romans, esp. its typical fluted columns with simple capitals. [1/3 definitions]
elementary simple. [1/3 definitions]
flagellum a whiplike filament extending from certain simple cells, such as reproductive cells or single-celled animals, used mainly for locomotion. [1/3 definitions]
folk music music originated, handed down, and played or sung by the common folk of a region or country, often fairly simple and repetitive in structure. [1/2 definitions]
Frisbee trademark for a thin, saucer-shaped plastic disc that is thrown and sails through the air in simple outdoor games.
galactose a simple sugar that is a component of lactose.
globulin in many plant and animal tissues, any of a number of simple proteins that will dissolve in a weak solution of salt and water, though not in water alone, and will coagulate when heat is applied.
glycine a simple, nonessential amino acid found in proteins.
hackamore a simple bitless bridle of rope or rawhide with a reinforced noseband and single rope rein which together exert controlling pressure on the nose of a horse, used esp. for training.
high-tech a style of design, esp. interior design, or a type of material that suggests modern industry by being metallic or plastic, having simple utilitarian lines, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
histone any of a group of simple proteins that are found in the nuclei of cells and are involved in the formation of chromatin.
homely simple, direct, and unpretentious. [1/3 definitions]
homespun plain, simple, or unpretentious. [1/4 definitions]